Justice For George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 11

Day 11 continued with more witnesses from the state. The morning opened with some drama though, as a few motions were brought forward to be addressed. The first was Morries Hall, George Floyd’s friend who was in the car with him on the day of his death. Hall has said he will not testify, andContinue reading “Justice For George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 11”

Justice For George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Days 9-10

Day 9 brought some very powerful scientific testimony in regards to George Floyd’s cause of death. Dr. Martin Tobin, a world-renowned pulmonologist and critical care physician at Loyola University Medical Center and at the Hines Veteran Administration Hospital in Illinois, was called as an expert medical witness for the prosecution. Dr. Tobin testified that George FloydContinue reading “Justice For George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Days 9-10”

Justice for George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 8

So far, much of this week’s testimony has been on policy, a shift from the emotional testimonies of week 1.  LAPD Sgt. Jody Stiger took the stand again, lending his knowledge as a use-of-force expert for the prosecution.  Yesterday, he testified that he has reviewed more than 2,500 use-of-force incidents in his career. Sgt. StigerContinue reading “Justice for George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 8”

SIDEBAR: What You Will and Won’t Hear During the Trial of Derek Chauvin

There are a couple of questions I keep seeing on social media, that I think are fair and valid, and that need to be answered.  I wanted to tackle this, outside of the trial coverage posts. First thing everyone is asking, is when will we hear about Chauvin’s past?  When will we hear details ofContinue reading “SIDEBAR: What You Will and Won’t Hear During the Trial of Derek Chauvin”

Justice For George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 7

Day 7 of testimony started with a hearing regarding the potential testimony of Morries Hall. Hall, who was in the vehicle with George Floyd on May 25, 2020, appeared via Zoom in front of Judge Peter Cahill this morning to determine if he will testify in Chauvin’s trial.  Hall is on the prosecution’s potential witness list.Continue reading “Justice For George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 7”

Justice for George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 1

Today marks day 1 of the trial of Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in the death of 46-year-old George Floyd. Chauvin has plead not guilty to all charges. I want to preface with some opinion statements, before I break down what happened in court today.Continue reading “Justice for George – Derek Chauvin Trial, Day 1”

The Perfection Hypocrisy

This will be a short one, but there was just something I wanted to get off my chest. This is a point that most people aren’t addressing, or at least not that I’ve seen. When these police shootings happen, we always hear the same things from the people who refuse to acknowledge any police wrongdoing.Continue reading “The Perfection Hypocrisy”

On “Black Lives Matter”

BLACK LIVES MATTER. If hearing that phrase triggers an immediate angry or negative response in you, this post is for you. If hearing that phrase makes you immediately reply with “All Lives Matter” or “Blue Lives Matter,” this post is for you. I think for the most part, the negative response people have to “BlackContinue reading “On “Black Lives Matter””

On White Privilege…

Hi friends. I’m going to be doing a short series of posts to address some of the things going on in our crazy world today. I am by no means an expert on anything. I am, however, an empath. I feel things. I feel other people’s things. And I am the kind of person whoContinue reading “On White Privilege…”